
Monday, November 21, 2011


Hola, amigos! God, I should get out of speaking Spanish! Anyways I have been very busy on the weekend because I had a figure skating competition and guess how I ranked....... 2nd place! That means I went home with a silver medal. Yahoo! I just had to skate out all of the elements like sit spin, spin, spiral, and some other jumps. Heheh, when I stood on the podium at the medal ceremony, I was wearing boots instead of skates! That was what I like to call EMBERASSING! Another thing to say to "Yippee" is that I am almost at 2000 page views on my blog! YEAH! Okay enough yelling. *Grumble, grumble* AH, I AM SOO HUNGRY. Wait that is just the stupid post taunting me. Anyways, here are my views: Awesome, right? Also thanks for the 25 readers, thanks to Tille. Well, that is all! xoxo, Kassia

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is so good!

    Glad you you got second place in skating! Congratulations Cassia! G-O-O-D a good, good, GOOD! That was a pretty nice incentive.

    I'll tell you what I have rustic. .. I the Finnish as Tillervo.I is Panfu blog. I'm going to come here whenever I have time to read your the Kassia! And then I write a comment, what I write then

    Bye, bye!.

    - LauraGirl.
