
Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Top Scores!

Hello! Today I was on Panfu and I was trying to get a top score like on the Top Score ever, but that did not go out so well. XD So Instead I won a couple scores on the Day's Top Scores on Cloud Number Nine and Globy so yeah!

Also Thank you, Tillervo for all of my wonderful 17 followers or readers or whatever you call them. :) Also Panfu has officially launched the Halloween party so make sure to go to the ballroom and Party!! Also make sure that you get the Mike and Celia costumes from the catalog! Hehehe, I got a Celia costume and it was fun to blush all of the time! LOL! So anyways, here are the score chart pictures! xoxo, Kassia


  1. Good! you have entered the lists! I'm not very good at Englsih, but hopefully your get a clear. ;)

  2. Hi there! I came to your reader. I bought both of those costumes.

  3. My the best record is about 4000 points :---D that's my favourite game (;
    Your blog is really great, and it's nice to read something in the English-language blog.
    (Sorry if I don't talk English very well, I am Finnish...)

    - HansQu_IhQ

  4. Very good! ♥ I can't talk English I am Finnish

    ~Mata ♥
