Hello bloggers! In this post I am going to show you how I draw my pandas and maybe how you just might draw them later on. It is a kind of simple process, but all you need are a lot of pencil crayons for more choice of color, you know? As you may know I draw my pandas by hand, with a pencil, paper you name it! When you draw the panda of your choice, make sure to make the finest of lines while drawing the panda. First, I start with the neck and head of the panda, just to see about how big the panda's body should be and also the height of the figure. Then, I draw half of the head, then draw the top of the hair line, like the part of the hair and maybe some clips or something like that. Then, you go down the panda and start drawing the arms down. Repeat and do the same to the other side. Then draw the shirt in between by drawing lines on the inside of the arms and do the same to both sides and then you draw a line connecting them, and you have made the shirt! Then for the bottoms, you can choose either pants or a skirt or you name it. For the pants, you can make up a design and that is up to you! I just showed you how to do the top, because most tops are shaped in that form and then you can add on necklaces and stuff like that. For the shoes you have to draw the legs and then draw the dividing line between the grey part of the fur, and the white part of the fur. For the actual shoes you draw a line at the top, and then draw your shoe of any kind! Last but not least, there is the face of the panda which can be up to you, but it is the best idea to start with the nose, smile and then the eyes. Well thank you for reading how I draw pandas! Until the next post..... xoxo, Kassia
P.S. A BIG thank you to my best friend, lia241 who saved my blog :D
I really love your drawing! :D <3 And your header is lovely :3 Ofc it's!