Hello, Pandas! Today I finally got a chance to go check out the baby whale, Billy and see what is happening. Curley says that Billy wanted to escape a giant crab that wanted to pinch his fin, so he ended up in the Lake in Panfu! And now Billy is stuck, with fresh water instead of salt water. So Curley says that we will have to use our tears to make him happy! Sounds pretty silly, right? But it will help if a lot of pandas cry into the Lake to make it more like a home to Billy. Curley says that 100 cries per panda will do the trick. That is a lot of crying to do! So then, I started to cry and Billy got better after 100 cries. And that means I got the whale item from Curley. Well, that was a lot of work! Now, I have to come back next Wednesday to go in Billy's mouth or something. *Yawn* I am really tired. And hungry. Ahaa xD. This weekend, I will try to draw some more pictures, because my newest drawing is actually the one on my header. teehee, I am just really lazy. OH! And one other thing, I have just sent out
Estella's birthday present for her birthday on May 23rd. Happy Early Birthday,
Estella! Just click on her name to view her awesome blog! Well, thank you for reading and ya! xoxo, Kassia

P.S. Estella's gift is epic (:
P.P.S. My trip to Finland is planned for the summer! I will film lots, take pictures and maybe add in a few summer blog posts. Stay tuned in! (: