Monday, November 21, 2011
Hola, amigos! God, I should get out of speaking Spanish! Anyways I have been very busy on the weekend because I had a figure skating competition and guess how I ranked....... 2nd place! That means I went home with a silver medal. Yahoo! I just had to skate out all of the elements like sit spin, spin, spiral, and some other jumps. Heheh, when I stood on the podium at the medal ceremony, I was wearing boots instead of skates! That was what I like to call EMBERASSING! Another thing to say to "Yippee" is that I am almost at 2000 page views on my blog! YEAH! Okay enough yelling. *Grumble, grumble* AH, I AM SOO HUNGRY. Wait that is just the stupid post taunting me. Anyways, here are my views: Awesome, right? Also thanks for the 25 readers, thanks to Tille. Well, that is all! xoxo, Kassia
Friday, November 18, 2011
My Interview with HansQu
Hello! I am lucky I can write this post right now because I am writing from Panama so my Blogger account is is Spanish! I will tell you that Spanish is really hard to read even though I should have learned a bit of Spanish before coming here :). I have mostly been swimming at the beach, and drinking Pina Coladas (Pineapple coconut drink) so I have not been posting or cheking my blog lately. Anyways, for this interview I will write it in both English and Finnish since almost all of my followers are Finnish including HansQu! Also for this interview, HansQu is asking me questions; the questions are also in the post below. HansQu can put this in her blog, too! HansQu is blue and I am pink. Let's begin!
How long have you had your blog? I have had my blog for almost three months now. It is amazing that I have so much followers for the time :)
What is best about Blogging? Having Finnish friends and followers is great! It is fun to talk to people in the same language even though they are from somewhere different.
Do you like to play on Panfu? Oh, yes Panfu is a great website! The games and feautures are amazing! I usally go on Panfu every day, if I can.
What is your favourite game in Panfu? I like Globy the best.
Do you like Smashing Pancakes? They are a great band. They should sing, and come to Panfu more often.
Do you have a Gold Membership in Panfu? Actually, yes I do as of August 19. It is so much more fun that way!
Have you ever seen Ella, Max or Kamaria in Panfu? No, I have not because I live in Canada so I have a different time zone than in the UK. I would love to see them, though!
Do you have another blog? I own my cousins blog because he does not know how blogger works! It is Here
What do you what to say for other Bloggers? I don't know about that one.....
Now I will write the interview in Finnish:
Kuinka kauan olet ollut blogin? Minulla on ollut blogi jo lähes kolmen kuukauden ajan. On hämmästyttävää, että minulla on niin paljon seuraajia aikaa :)
Mikä on parasta bloggaaminen? Ottaa suomalaisia ystäviä ja seuraajia on hienoa! On hauskaa puhua ihmisille samalla kielellä, vaikka ne ovat jostain eri.
Pidätkö pelata Panfu? Voi, kyllä Panfu on loistava sivusto!Pelit ja feautures ovat uskomattomia! Minulla on tapana mennä Panfu joka päivä, jos voin.
Mikä on sinun suosikki peli Panfu? Pidän Globy paras.
Pidätkö Smashing Pancakes? Ne ovat mahtava bändi. Niiden pitäisi laulaa, ja tulevat Panfu useammin.
Onko sinulla gold jäsenyys Panfu? Oikeastaan kyllä minä kuin elokuun 19. On paljon hauskempaa sillä tavalla!
Oletko koskaan nähnyt Ella, Max tai Kamaria vuonna Panfu? Ei, en ole koska asun Kanadassa joten minulla on eri aikavyöhykkeellä kuin Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa. Olisi kiva nähdä niitä, vaikka!
Onko sinulla toinen blogi? Omistan serkkuni blogi, koska hän ei tiedä, miten Blogger toimii! Se on täällä
How long have you had your blog? I have had my blog for almost three months now. It is amazing that I have so much followers for the time :)
What is best about Blogging? Having Finnish friends and followers is great! It is fun to talk to people in the same language even though they are from somewhere different.
Do you like to play on Panfu? Oh, yes Panfu is a great website! The games and feautures are amazing! I usally go on Panfu every day, if I can.
What is your favourite game in Panfu? I like Globy the best.
Do you like Smashing Pancakes? They are a great band. They should sing, and come to Panfu more often.
Do you have a Gold Membership in Panfu? Actually, yes I do as of August 19. It is so much more fun that way!
Have you ever seen Ella, Max or Kamaria in Panfu? No, I have not because I live in Canada so I have a different time zone than in the UK. I would love to see them, though!
Do you have another blog? I own my cousins blog because he does not know how blogger works! It is Here
What do you what to say for other Bloggers? I don't know about that one.....
Now I will write the interview in Finnish:
Kuinka kauan olet ollut blogin? Minulla on ollut blogi jo lähes kolmen kuukauden ajan. On hämmästyttävää, että minulla on niin paljon seuraajia aikaa :)
Mikä on parasta bloggaaminen? Ottaa suomalaisia ystäviä ja seuraajia on hienoa! On hauskaa puhua ihmisille samalla kielellä, vaikka ne ovat jostain eri.
Pidätkö pelata Panfu? Voi, kyllä Panfu on loistava sivusto!Pelit ja feautures ovat uskomattomia! Minulla on tapana mennä Panfu joka päivä, jos voin.
Mikä on sinun suosikki peli Panfu? Pidän Globy paras.
Pidätkö Smashing Pancakes? Ne ovat mahtava bändi. Niiden pitäisi laulaa, ja tulevat Panfu useammin.
Onko sinulla gold jäsenyys Panfu? Oikeastaan kyllä minä kuin elokuun 19. On paljon hauskempaa sillä tavalla!
Oletko koskaan nähnyt Ella, Max tai Kamaria vuonna Panfu? Ei, en ole koska asun Kanadassa joten minulla on eri aikavyöhykkeellä kuin Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa. Olisi kiva nähdä niitä, vaikka!
Onko sinulla toinen blogi? Omistan serkkuni blogi, koska hän ei tiedä, miten Blogger toimii! Se on täällä
Mitä mitä sanoa muille Bloggaajat? I don't know about that one.....
Okay so that was one long interview with HansQu! Sorry if my Finnish does not make sense by the way. So, that is all for now!
xoxo, Kassia
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Totally Ninja!
Hello! There seems to be a lot of small little tricks in Panfu, as such as running on walls, farting with no time limit and stuff like that. For this next trick you need to fast. Trust me
. For this trick, your screen shot must be ready for awesomeness. And this trick is totally ninja! I will show and tell, right .... *Grumble, grumble* OMG I must be hungry AGAIN. I am always hungry I will tell you that! I just love FOOD. But I kind of want to eat my Halloween candy. Mmmm so good.
Okay, for this trick (get your screen shot ready) you go to the pool, and jump onto the slide and slide down. Right before you land TAKE A SCREEN SHOT!!!!! There, you will be totally ninja. You should see me doing this.... Oh and make sure you get a high jump or else the trick won't work. The point of the trick is that it looks like a black hole underneath you. Well, a black hole with a splash, that is
. Here is the perfect demonstration:

There, you will feel great and ninja. Oh and tomorrow or in the next week I might not be posting, because I will be in Panama. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYA! Also if Estella ever reads this, I LOVE YOUR PICTURES! Well, she is my step-sister, anyways. LOL. Well that is all. xoxo, Kassia
P.S. Check out my Panda Express pictures Here. Please comment on it!
Okay, for this trick (get your screen shot ready) you go to the pool, and jump onto the slide and slide down. Right before you land TAKE A SCREEN SHOT!!!!! There, you will be totally ninja. You should see me doing this.... Oh and make sure you get a high jump or else the trick won't work. The point of the trick is that it looks like a black hole underneath you. Well, a black hole with a splash, that is

There, you will feel great and ninja. Oh and tomorrow or in the next week I might not be posting, because I will be in Panama. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYA! Also if Estella ever reads this, I LOVE YOUR PICTURES! Well, she is my step-sister, anyways. LOL. Well that is all. xoxo, Kassia
P.S. Check out my Panda Express pictures Here. Please comment on it!
Monday, November 7, 2011
New Picture + Check it out
Hello! Yesterday on the Panfu blog, Max and Ella posted Paul's new drawing. Hmmmm I wonder what it could be..... Just kidding. It is Alice and the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. Boy, that one was easy to figure out! Lili is working on the new costumes for this week. I may not be on my blog for a week starting Wednesday, because I am going to Panama! Yay! I will make sure to do a diary for my blog, and take pictures of the beach for you. Also please visit and follow my brother's blog Here. Tille has already found it. LOL. It feels so weird blogging in school. I have lunch time breaks. Also I typed this post in a short period of time. That was random. Anyways, that is all for this post! xoxo, Kassia
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